Saturday, April 17, 2010

My Trip (Feb 01 2010 - Feb 25 2010)


i think that's because i'm a lazy person.
but this entry will be about my trip to taiwan + vietnam which was almost two months ago. wow, time goes by really fast...

Of course when you're in 高雄, you have to have a bowl of shaved ice @ this famous shaved ice store where they let you write all over their tables and walls!

lol yes, even profanity...



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@奇美 fair all the way in the countryside!!

Good trip *thumbs up, too bad I can't say the same for Vietnam...
Ohh 越南。。。我說什么好呢??我只是可以說越南的美食很好吃!×thumbs up。

Anyway, one of my students said that I'll be able to speak a little Vietnamese when I come back because apparently it's easy to learn. Well...I didn't learn a word :p, all I spoke there was Chinese, Chinese and more Chinese that I forgot my English :p! But what I did learn was....the food was good except for the dim sum (not good), I think I gained a few pounds when I came back -.-.

I spent CNY there, it was SO HOT and HUMID

Pretty much what I drank almost unhealthy but so good.I have more pictures..but too lazy -.-